FAQ's and tips for a STRESS FREE audition day

Does my child have to prepare anything in advance?

No.  All materials (including scenes, song and dance) will be provided to the children and taught to everyone on the first day of class.

What if my child wants to audition for a specific role?

A set of "sides" (excerpts of scenes) will be posted on this website.  If your child would like to try for a specific role, they can learn the appropriate scene for that character if they wish and demonstrate it for me on the first day of class.  The scene DOES NOT need to be memorized for the audition.

Does everyone have to read a scene?

No.  Only those children who wish to be considered for a speaking part will be asked to read a scene.

Can my child audition for more than one part?

Yes, your child can audition for up to TWO parts.  Please no more than two.

My child only wants to be in the chorus.  What do they have to do for an audition?

Those children who do NOT wish to be considered for a speaking role will be asked to sing and dance, but they do NOT need to read a scene.

Does everyone have to sing and dance during the audition?

Yes, everyone will be asked to demonstrate the dance within a small group and preferably sing by themselves.  If a child does not feel comfortable singing by themselves, they are welcome to sing with a partner.

When will I know what part my child has?

The cast list will be posted on the front door of the school on the second day of class.

What is double casting?

Sometimes we have more than one child who is suited for a particular role.  In an effort to give as much opportunity to every child as possible, roles are sometimes shared between two children.  In addition, some children may be double cast in two separate parts.  For example, in a small bit part AND as an alley cat chorus member.  Refer to the character description link for more information.

What can I do as a parent to support my child through this process?

It is extremely important that children understand this is not a competition.  At this age level, everyone has unique gifts to share and each member of the cast is an important part of a team.  There are no small roles and every part is like a piece of a puzzle....if you're missing just one piece, the puzzle isn't complete.

Encourage your children to put their best foot forward with a positive attitude.  Being supportive of others and happy for their success is an important lesson we all must learn in life.  Disappointment can be expected for some, but as parents, strive to help your child find the positive in the situation and realize that "there's always next time!"